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Queen of the Decades Pageant

To register, please take the time to fill out the information below.

Registration Closes: June 1st

Upload File
Does your daughter have a copy of the Holy Bibe?

Standard entry fee includes beauty, fun fashion, side awards (pretties eyes, prettiest smile, prettiest hair, most photogenic, best personality, best dress, best fun fashion), and one parent pass


Optional ADD ONS:


Eligible for Grand Supreme, Mini Supreme, Beauty Supreme and Fun Fashion Supreme - cannot be double crowned (this means if you win one of these, can you can’t win another one)


ALL Overalls

Overall Best Dress, Best Personality, Most Beautiful - can be double crowned (this mean can you win one of these or you can win all of these)


Community Outreach Money Award 

Submit a digital portfolio of all your community service work

You must include:

- Photos of you from each event and includes with person in charge (coordinator or manager of event/organization)

- hours at each event

- A brief description of each event

- Must be within a year time frame


The winner will receive half the money of all entries per breakdown!


Holy Bible Memory Verse

Acts 16:31

"...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved..."


See Scoring Criteria HERE


On Stage Question

You will be asked an age appropriate question.


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